Debut - Green Sprout Studio 33

Our Debut was an extraordinary night!

Thank you all for coming and the support.

The first edition was proud to announced Green Sprout Studio 33 where the flower designer Maria showcased her arrangements for the first time paring with the single malt scotch that we are so fortunate to have as our sponsor.

Ps: Thank you the Village Digital and The Live Canvas Project for our gift bag. You guys are amazing.

Here is some of the picture snapped by Justin Merced

Produced by Matthew Wozniak our first edition was presented at Bill’s Supper Club and off course sponsored by our great supporter The Glenrothes.

Executive Produced by Thomas Mauriello and Christopher Giglio

Thank you all once again for coming.

EL ConQuistaD’or

Rodrigues Foundation

“Get Highveed” - EL ConQuistaD’or